Dynamic Time Warping

Coding a Minimalistic Dynamic Time Warping Library with R

Tutorial on how to implement dynamic time warping in R

R package distantia

R package to compare multivariate time-series with dynamic time warping and lock-step methods.

A Gentle Intro to Dynamic Time Warping

Brief introduction to Dynamic Time Warping with a conceptual step-by-step break down.

Evaluating fossil charcoal representation in small peat bogs: Detailed Holocene fire records from southern Sweden

In this study, we assess how representative a single charcoal record from a peat profile in small bogs (1.5–2 ha in area) is for the reconstruction of Holocene fire history.

Ecological memory at millennial time‐scales: the importance of data constraints, species longevity and niche features

Paper published in the section "Editor's Choice" of the *Ecography* journal. It received [an award](https://www.dropbox.com/s/oacsy1xqx4omv1b/2019_BMB_Ecography_b_top_downloaded.png?dl=1) for the number of downloads during the 12 months after its publication.